photo Kevin Crowe

  This century will bring an even more digitized life to the developed world; the information river will be up and out of its banks and the pressure to eat it in the car will seem normal.

Many of the functions we make pots for will merge, transform and disapperar. Making pots will be an act of civil disobedience. Time has become money. Our pots will be needed more than ever before.

A bowl of tea between silent lovers, the salad bowl at the table of noisy friends and family, the coffee mug just before the kids rise---all quietly keep our souls alive. They make love stay.

When the moon is right, we make pots that recognize and define sacred spaces, mystery and tenderness.

At this brittle and exciting edge of the 21st century, we will make pots witn a renewed awareness of how essential our work is --- that what we do matters.

We make a quiet difference and sometimes ----that’s all it takes.